Tuesday, January 26, 2010

As I have said many times before, I am in love, love, love with vintage paper. I recently ran across these spectacular rolls of gilded embossed vintage wallpaper. These rolls might be a little ragged, but yet they are still elegant and regal. Reminiscent of a time when wallpaper was hand-printed and embossed. Long gone are the days when hand-crafted was the normal production method. As I look at these french blue and gold tattered rolls I start to image the room that they adored. A dining room with 12ft. high ceiling immediately comes to mind. A spectacular crystal chandelier hangs above an ornate scrolling rococo style table. Velvet upholstered dining chairs surround this magnificent table providing comfort and "joie de vivre" at the same time. Many bottles of French wine and divine food have been consumed while friends and family have dined, enjoying both the company and the room. The most important question of all....what am I going to do with this little treasure?????

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lighting up dreary winter days...

As I sit here with my fourth cup of coffee for the day, yes I have caffiene issues, I look out my window to see gray dismal clouds. I know how important snow and rain are for the earth, but I have to say...they just bring me down. I look forward to the longer days of summer when the sun peaks through my shades and wakes me up.

This love of sunshine and bright spaces easily explains my love of lighting especially vintage lighting! I believe that every room should have a daring chandelier or light fixture from the past prominently featured for all to gaze upon! I truly believe that I have spent more on lighting my house than the actual house itself. Many is the trip/vacation that I have returned with an amazing fixture only to scratch my head in deciding if I have room to install it. Did I mention that my daughter's playhouse has a chandelier? Enough said....I'm a vintage lighting junkie! If we ever move, I'll have to buy at least a dozen fixtures to replace the vintage lights that will go with me to the next house. Ladies..."the fixtures do not convey with the house." You know what I mean?

This love of lighting lead me to design and create lampshades out of vintage bank deposit bags that I found in Roundtop, TX last spring. Standing in a muddy field, I saw a treasure trove of real lighting potential! The couple I bought the bags from couldn't believe I was going to try and make lampshades with the ratty old stuff. Hey, where there's a will, there's a way! I haven't found a challenge that has scared me yet....my favorite saying is after all, "How hard can it be?"