Tuesday, January 26, 2010

As I have said many times before, I am in love, love, love with vintage paper. I recently ran across these spectacular rolls of gilded embossed vintage wallpaper. These rolls might be a little ragged, but yet they are still elegant and regal. Reminiscent of a time when wallpaper was hand-printed and embossed. Long gone are the days when hand-crafted was the normal production method. As I look at these french blue and gold tattered rolls I start to image the room that they adored. A dining room with 12ft. high ceiling immediately comes to mind. A spectacular crystal chandelier hangs above an ornate scrolling rococo style table. Velvet upholstered dining chairs surround this magnificent table providing comfort and "joie de vivre" at the same time. Many bottles of French wine and divine food have been consumed while friends and family have dined, enjoying both the company and the room. The most important question of all....what am I going to do with this little treasure?????

1 comment:

  1. Oh la la, what a find. Love the papers and can't wait to see what you do with it! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love to have visitors. I have been still reeling from my fall on sale day. It was a fab day besides my cartoonish slip on ice and wracked back!

    See you soon sweets.
